Spare The Rod by Esther Sorkpor
Spare the Rod Their body is a sealed brown envelope labelled as classified presented to the government at birth a temple of the lobbyist gods on the altar of failed heads lays the prey whose prayers are a political statement a property belonging of your family your pastor your partner this body is […]
Cost of Living by Esther Sorkpor
Cost of Living I write of the anguished cries from the Chad to the Atlantic a fellowship of broken souls frantically fighting for survival on sinking sand no salvation for starving mouths in pot bellies no faith enough to move this rock of bad governance The timeline with its bants rants tweets […]
There are Cathedrals Everywhere.
It is with deep satisfaction we announce our maiden residency anthology: The Ibinabo residency, our brainchild with Iko Africa ran from April to August this year, and facilitating the residency has been one of my finer achievements this year. On timely achievements, that is what this anthology is. A culmination of talent, hard work, and […]
The Pain we Don’t Survive by Clara Jack
The pain we don’t survive There is pain we perform The one we dress up nice enough for everyone to see There’s pain we gauge we can take So we take that one and hold it So that we don’t swap it for a new one There’s pain we know, pain that we can trust […]
Sneakers you did what my former lovers Couldn’t. you stayed you stuck through the mud the torrents and the seas until there was no space to hold my feet. you stayed with till you were old battered and worn out just like our unspoken vows for better and for worse. until there are no holes […]
Hello everyone, long time no see! This has been by far our busiest and most successful year in the House! Kicking off with the residency, the Ibinabo residency ran from March to June and we had 11 participants. Partnering with Iko, this brilliant initiative brought so much excellence to our roll call and we are […]
I GUESS THIS IS HOW I’M GOING TO DIE I She prayed for this day. She had dreamt about it for years, her mind weaving fantasies where he was more than just a memory. In those dreams, he was the sky, the earth, the very air she breathed. His husky voice lingered in her mind, […]
There’s No Gift That is Just a Gift by Maria Oluwabukunmi Oni
I open my bag for some change to pay the fare. It’s missing something- my purse. My little one is looking at me as I ransack the small leather thing, upturning its content on my lap. A piece of wax crayon rolls to the floor. She doesn’t pick it up. I look at her […]
Sincerely, Nonso by Omowero Agbor
SINCERELY, NONSO BY OMOWERO AGBOR Sade’s greatest weakness will always be her expectations. She expects her friends to see through her thin attempts at happiness and still let her be. She expects that kindness and inquisitiveness will speak for interest and determination. She wants her lovers to be kinder, her reflection to praise, not haunt. […]
UNRAVELLING THE LAYERS OF SELF HATRED BY OLUWASIKEMI Self-hatred It feels like a familiar ride. I’ve been on this ride a couple of times, and I know the sharp bends and turns like the back of my hand; it no longer phases me. Unlike the “stages of grief,” this ride doesn’t come with stages; it’s […]