Editor’s Column

Living, Despite.

Living, Despite.

Hi everyone, I’m Timileyin Akinsanya, the Editor for Pencilmarks and Scribbles Magazine and I’m happy to announce the opening of a new segment, the editor’s column. It is going to be a monthly article based blog and I am super excited to be sharing this with our Pencilmarks and Scribbles fam. I love art and love celebrating  it however way possible, so this will be my way of doing so -a love letter from me to you. I will be writing about anything and everything so stick with me as I promise it’s a fun ride.

This has been in the works for a very long time but my need for perfection held me back.  You see lately, it’s been difficult to be creative or write something without discarding it halfway and scrutinizing it till I think it’s terrible. As a writer, I’ve found that how I’m faring mentally has a huge role with how much I create art. No wonder creatives never beat the starving artist allegations.  I’ve come to terms with it now and it’s okay, I will wait this storm out and it will be the best story of endurance.   I will write even when I hate it, because it is what I love doing most. On the bright side, depression art hits differently.

Amidst all of this however, I have rediscovered my love for short stories and excerpts. I live for those memorable Pinterest quotes and articles you stumble across as you scroll through social media and most especially the literary submissions that pass through our magazine. here are a few;


I spend my days listening to music, reading literary works, scrolling through TikTok and worrying about my country, Nigeria. I’m positive that this nervousness in the air is palpable and sometimes it can all be nerve-wracking – the uncertainty of it all.  Sending all my love to Nigerians and I urge us to be positive. When that fails you, find a vice and let it moderately consume you.

And of course, happy women’s history month to all of the amazing women, enbies and everyone who identifies as one. I have a lot to say, but just know that I see you all and I hope it gets easier.

Personally, I’ve always had a vendetta against the IWD themes and how patronizing they seem. This year was  “embracing equity” and I find it amusing that women are  being advised to accept a change that is almost non- existent. Less of telling women how to cope in a world built against them and more of eradicating the very systems that uphold this oppression. It is saddening that we continue to fight for the barest minimum, but I hope we never stop trying.

For women’s history month, I have been reading literature by African women as a reminder of why our voices are important. Efuru, by Flora Nwapa is a current read. This book was the first ever to be published by an African woman internationally, its  language and characterization is vivid and fierce, as if alive. I definitely recommend it.  I am so grateful for the women in literature who paved the way and the Black women who continue to write so we aren’t forgotten. Shout out to all Black female writers.

And finally, I hope everyone reading this is well and if not, that things get better. Be safe and thank you so much for sticking till the end, see you this time next month!.