Is shiny object syndrome a testament to a lack of individuality? By olaoluwa oluwadun


In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves easily swayed by the allure of new and shiny things. Whether it’s the latest gadgets, trendy fashion, or exciting experiences, we often find ourselves succumbing to what is commonly known as “shiny object syndrome.” But what does
this phenomenon say about our individuality? Is it a reflection of our uniqueness or a sign of a deeper lack of self-awareness? Let’s dive into the complexities of shiny object syndrome and explore its implications.

Shiny object syndrome, at its core, is the tendency to be easily distracted by the next shiny thing that captures our attention. It’s that constant craving for novelty, the allure of the latest trends, and the pursuit of new experiences. Some argue that this behaviour is a testament to our desire for individuality—a way to break free from societal expectations and assert our own identities.

By continuously seeking out new and unique experiences, we believe we are expressing our individuality and refusing to conform to the
However, an alternative perspective challenges this notion. It suggests that shiny object syndrome may stem from a lack of true individuality. Instead of cultivating and embracing our unique identities, we
become susceptible to external influences that dictate what is trendy. In this sense, shiny object syndrome becomes a reflection of our failure to truly understand and embrace our individuality.

Consumer culture plays a significant role in fueling shiny object syndrome. Advertisements, social media and peer pressure create an environment where the acquisition of material possessions or experiences is synonymous with personal fulfilment and social status. The constant bombardment of enticing new
products and trends easily sways our attention and diverts us from exploring our genuine interests and passions. As a result, we may find ourselves chasing after the next shiny object without considering its true value or alignment with our authentic selves.
So, how can we break free from the clutches of shiny object syndrome and rediscover our authentic individuality? It starts with self-reflection and a conscious effort to understand our values, passions, and
desires. By taking the time to explore our unique interests, we can foster a deeper sense of self and gain clarity on what truly brings us fulfilment.

Moreover, building resilience and discipline can help us resist the constant allure of shiny objects. Learning to appreciate what we already have, practising gratitude, and finding joy in the present moment can counteract the perpetual need for the next new thing. By focusing on meaningful experiences and connections, we can shift our attention away from superficial distractions and cultivate a sense of purposeand authenticity.In conclusion, the relationship between shiny object syndrome and individuality is complex. While some argue that it can be a testament to our desire for uniqueness, others contend that it highlights a lack ofself-awareness and genuine individuality. Recognizing the influence of external forces and consumerculture is crucial in reclaiming our authenticity.

By embracing our unique individuality and engaging inmeaningful experiences that align with our values, we can find a sense of fulfilment that goes beyondfleeting distractions. So, let’s strive to strike a balance between exploration and introspection, embracingour true selves and making intentional choices that resonate with our authentic identities

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Pencilmarks and Scribbles Magazine was founded in 2017 by Clara Jack to be a home for African writers, asking them to come as they are and giving them room for growth. The publication aims to give back to the Nigerian Literary scene for the things it has given us.