Logic Over Emotion: Debunking the Fallacy of “Dude Bros” and the Misinterpretation of Stoicism by olaoluwa oluwadun


In a world where emotions often rule, the idea of logic prevailing over feelings can be tempting. However, a misguided interpretation of this concept has given rise to the “dude bro” mentality and a distorted understanding of stoicism.

In this article, we will explore the fallacy behind prioritizing logic to the detriment of emotions and shed light on the misinterpretation of stoicism.

The Rise of “Dude Bros” and the Allure of Suppressed Emotions:
We’ve all encountered them – those self-proclaimed “dude bros” who champion the mantra of logic over emotion. They perceive emotions as weakness, believing that suppressing feelings and embracing a
detached, unfeeling mindset is the epitome of strength. However, this perspective must recognize the importance and value of emotions in our lives.
The Perils of Emotional Neglect:
Emotions are often sidelined or dismissed when logic is put on a pedestal. However, emotions are an essential part of our human experience. They provide valuable information about ourselves, others, and the world. Neglecting emotions can lead to emotional repression, interpersonal difficulties, and a lack of self-awareness. It’s crucial to acknowledge and embrace our emotions rather than suppressing them in favour of a purely logical approach.
Debunking the Misinterpretation of Stoicism:
Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in recent years, is often misconstrued as advocating for the suppression of emotions. While stoicism does emphasize maintaining inner calm in the
face of adversity, it does not mean negating or ignoring feelings altogether. Stoicism teaches us to acknowledge and understand our emotions and cultivate resilience, wisdom, and virtuous action in response to them.
The Balance between Logic and Emotion:
Rather than pitting logic against emotion, it is essential to recognize the symbiotic relationship between the two. Logic and reason can provide a valuable framework for decision-making. At the same time, emotions offer insight into our values, desires, and well-being. By integrating logic and emotion, we can
make informed choices that align with our authentic selves.
Embracing Emotional Intelligence and Rationality:
A more holistic approach involves developing emotional intelligence alongside rational thinking.
Emotional intelligence allows us to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions effectively, leading
to better self-awareness, empathy, and healthier relationships.

By combining emotional intelligence with logical reasoning, we can make informed decisions considering the facts and the impact on ourselves andothers.


The fallacy of “dude bros” and the misinterpretation of stoicism stem from an oversimplified view thatprioritizes logic at the expense of emotions. However, emotions are an integral part of our humanexperience, and suppressing or disregarding them can have detrimental effects. Instead, we should strive for a balanced approach that embraces emotional intelligence alongside rationality. By acknowledging and integrating logic and emotions, we can navigate life with greater wisdom, empathy, and authenticity

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Pencilmarks and Scribbles Magazine was founded in 2017 by Clara Jack to be a home for African writers, asking them to come as they are and giving them room for growth. The publication aims to give back to the Nigerian Literary scene for the things it has given us.