Ghost by Sayofunmi (Asteriqq) Soyewo
Falling for the lady by the coast
Separated by the sea Across and out of reach
On whose face a smile breaks out at the sight of another
Whose heart dances to the song of someone not me
Leaving my heart in despair’s grip
As my heart breaks by the tip
Falling for the lady on the other side Separated by a veil of mixed feelings
The one my heart sings for
The one who is but isn’t
The one i could hear, but could only hope she did
I steal a dance hoping to put her in a trance
But she stole my heart and fed it to a wild cat
Falling for the lady by the beach
In whose story i am nothing but a shadow
Left in the dark, forgotten.
Staring through glass covered in frost
Hoping I’ll be noticed every time
Longing to be seen
But I could feel her fading away
Further and further till she’s gone
Taking my heart with her
She’s no ghost,
She’s just out of my reach.