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There are Cathedrals Everywhere.


It is with deep satisfaction we announce our maiden residency anthology: The Ibinabo residency, our brainchild with Iko Africa ran from April to August this year, and facilitating the residency has been one of my finer achievements this year. On timely achievements, that is what this anthology is. A culmination of talent, hard work, and inspiration. We hope you receive it in the way it was...



Hello everyone, long time no see! This has been by far our busiest and most successful year in the House! Kicking off with the residency, the Ibinabo residency ran from March to June and we had 11 participants. Partnering with Iko, this brilliant initiative brought so much excellence to our roll call and we are pleased and proud to be able to run it every year. The residency has also produced an...



In January 2024, Pazqal Eriq came to us with an offer we couldn’t refuse: produce a debut anthology. We agreed and so for the first quarter we worked on this wonderful body of work and now, here it is for you. This collection is empathetically written bursting with stories of our every day romantic. It is a breeze through the shoes of a person trying to love, what connects us all more than...

Mother called by Desire O.


today my mother calls me, even though we spoke the night before. i am not ready for any of it, so i still, until i can, until i am alone, and am charged enough to hear it  whatever it is.  in her first syllables, i hear that she is worried about me, and perplexed, i ask her why,  wondering if this is about the fact that i poke needles through my flesh to relieve pressure but she...

High on life by Nana Osei Agyeman


The music wells, caresses my ears and tickles my brain. I look up to the sky, blue with hope, optimism… Adorned elegantly in clouds, white, pure, ever changing.   The foliage whisks by, luscious, green, making an otherwise bland landscape vivid and interesting.   Faces, they move past me, different and unique, each wearing different emotions. Sad, happy, concerned, surprised...

Does love still exist by oluwasikemi ibitoye


Dearest gentle reader, For this message, I must assume the persona of “Lady Whistledown,” addressing the whole nation of England. Today we shall discuss a very delicate subject: love. As it is today amongst members of the ton (the youth), it almost seems as though it doesn’t exist as it did in our parents’ time. The notion of love now seems like a false one that was sold...

Eyes made of love by Adigun Peter


Your eyes remind me of love.  Not the fairytale love story,  but one where two beings, though separate, are still together.  They can live without each other,  but will never feel complete  until they are together.    Your eyes remind me  of the love I wished for after  reading my first romance novel.  The “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” story.  I don’t...

You remind me of by Riian


You remind me of the colour, Orange. Like the sun On a good Eve.   Of the colour, Brown. Like warm hugs and soft kisses Like coffee on a cold morn’   Of the colour, Blue. Calm, beautiful, and true.   • You remind me of the colour, Orange. Faint, soft The hue your skin has taken on.   Of the colour, Brown. Somber, sad The mood your eyes now mirror   Of the colour...

The encounter by Austin Obi


It was the long holiday break and Buchi came back home from school because he didn’t have any allowance to stay in his lodge during the holidays. He was mostly helping at Mama’s shop and also doing his final year project. On a cold Friday morning after doing his choreshe decided to log into the yellow app. the app where queer men who wanted to hook up with other queer men went to when...

If you ask tolani by Joy Humphrey


Tolani was starving. At least, that was what it felt like being deprived of Tunde’s love. For as long as she could remember, he was all she knew. He was her friend, her lover, her husband- he was her everything. She was so intertwined and dependent on him that she knew nothing else, she refused to know anything else. She couldn’t imagine living without him but now, she has no choice for all her...


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Pencilmarks and Scribbles Magazine was founded in 2017 by Clara Jack to be a home for African writers, asking them to come as they are and giving them room for growth. The publication aims to give back to the Nigerian Literary scene for the things it has given us.