Hello there, welcome to another Scribbles body of work. This is especially special because it is our first essay collection and, it is with excitement we present:Scribbles Magazine Issue III‘You can do big things from a small place’July 2023. Please read, share and revel in the joy of literature.
dear genesis by desire o.
Dear Genesis, You told me that beautiful things don’t have to beg for attention. You told me that I was beautiful, over and over, even on days I didn’t ask you. So surely, something is false. Either beautiful things do beg for attention, or you lied, and I am not of the denomination. I think […]
my unheard anger by olaoluwa oluwadun.
I’m one of those people who can’t help but cry when anger takes over. It’s not because I want to hurtsomeone or resort to violence, but because my voice feels lost. It’s like I never had one, to begin with. Being a Nigerian first-born female, you can imagine the struggles. I often envy those outspoken […]
Logic Over Emotion: Debunking the Fallacy of “Dude Bros” and the Misinterpretation of Stoicism by olaoluwa oluwadun
Introduction:In a world where emotions often rule, the idea of logic prevailing over feelings can be tempting. However, a misguided interpretation of this concept has given rise to the “dude bro” mentality and a distorted understanding of stoicism. In this article, we will explore the fallacy behind prioritizing logic to the detriment of emotions and […]
Those who left the party by Tomi olaniyan
Opening my eyes to the light,With a strange gust of wind.Hovering with no steadiness,Where am I? Deserted was the street,With trails by the unknown.It was cold as vengeance,Where am I? There was a party, I recall.I remember the excitement.Sounds like fun but still,Where am I? Except I was served stale bread,The wine had also gone […]
Is shiny object syndrome a testament to a lack of individuality? By olaoluwa oluwadun
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves easily swayed by the allure of new and shiny things. Whether it’s the latest gadgets, trendy fashion, or exciting experiences, we often find ourselves succumbing to what is commonly known as “shiny object syndrome.” But what doesthis phenomenon say about our individuality? Is […]
Unmasking the Absurdity of Religion: Insights from a Pastor’s Daughter by oluwadun Olaoluwa
Introduction As a young adult, I find myself at a crossroads, trying to make sense of the religious landscape that hassurrounded me throughout my life. Recently, I made the decision to embrace atheism, a departure from the Christian faith I was brought up in. This shift stemmed from a combination of factors, including mylack of […]
loving in silence by oyinkansola alausa
I’ve been loving you in silenceParading the heart to whoever could read my lensI’ve been loving you in silencePitching my words to the one who sees me as resilience I’ve been loving you in silenceConverging my feelings as just scienceI’ve been loving you in silenceTowing my emotions to ambience Had my share of coition but […]
I’ve noticed by Tolu fowowe
Today I noticed things,I noticed your hairIt doesn’t fall that wayTo the left, like it used toIt doesn’t have that samesheen and bounce to it I noticed your eyesThey look dullDuller than usualThey used to looklike flashlights on low powerBut now they look likeold, very old headlights And your smileI’ve noticed your smileI noticed that […]
Bread, Honey by Tìmíléyìn Akínsànyà
I have never known love to be this kind and freeI have never felt this way beforeMy heart relaxes in your touch and I am allowed to be myselfTo take off the masks I wear that shield me from the painLayerByLayerYou take them off and kiss meYou take them off and see me There is […]