
Eyes made of love by Adigun Peter


Your eyes remind me of love.  Not the fairytale love story,  but one where two beings, though separate, are still together.  They can live without each other,  but will never feel complete  until they are together.    Your eyes remind me  of the love I wished for after  reading my first romance novel.  The “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” story.  I don’t...

You remind me of by Riian


You remind me of the colour, Orange. Like the sun On a good Eve.   Of the colour, Brown. Like warm hugs and soft kisses Like coffee on a cold morn’   Of the colour, Blue. Calm, beautiful, and true.   • You remind me of the colour, Orange. Faint, soft The hue your skin has taken on.   Of the colour, Brown. Somber, sad The mood your eyes now mirror   Of the colour...

The Wallflower by Akinsànyà Naomi


From shining bright to wallflower’s plight,   I hide in shadows, shrinking from sight.   I can take any form as long as I’m hidden,   Losing myself in a world I’ve forbidden.  Reminded of my past, I feel small and weak,   Longing for the person I used to be. My body reminds me I’m no longer it’s owner, And I’m left...

A Man Named Fear by Suulola


In the solemn quarters of a young mind A man named fear, brings gift unkind  Wraps his hand around my heart The fear he brings, tears me apart  The fear of failure, a constant host Chasing dreams behind the coast It whispers in my ear at night  The fear of failure, dimes my light Climbed my horse, on the road to success The man named fears tells me nonsense  A heavy stone...

Dreams At The Other Side by Amongmen


Dreams are our what if’s A chance to embark on the possibilities of our talents For some, dreams are more sacred Embedded in meanings not of the spiritual But of hope, dispensation, and wine which quenches thirst Dreams are an endless void Continually stacked as we learn about the world A sword in the hands of an untrained Whose swing could cut or leave one cut Hence our unease at pursuit Dreams...


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Pencilmarks and Scribbles Magazine was founded in 2017 by Clara Jack to be a home for African writers, asking them to come as they are and giving them room for growth. The publication aims to give back to the Nigerian Literary scene for the things it has given us.