Friend By Ordeezy


When I decided to be your friend.
I didn’t decide to be there just to take pictures with you.
Or comment with enough hype to buy your smile.
I decided to hold your hand through the tunnel and remind you that you are not alone.
When you decided to add best to the six letter oath.
I hope you realised it means I am stuck with you like the earth and moon.
I will orbit you and light up your darkest moments.
It means I will listen to the harmony in your storm and understand your discordance in the calm.
When you drown in guilt and await the sharp teeth of judging lips to rip off every bit of your sanity,
I will be your life boat and bring you back to shore.
When you feel like your halo has been broken by the hammer of betrayal
I will call you angel, I will spread your wings and call you beloved.
When you are at the edge of faith
I will be the alter that draws you to the Father.
When I call to ask about your well being
It’s okay to tell me about your wild dreams, How Lagos traffic stole Thanos gauntlet and snapped away your happiness for the day.
Tell me about how you battle your fears How you are tired of the battles.
It’s okay for me to be the comic relief in the tragic plot life likes to draw.

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